Feb 12th
From the Principal
Upcoming Events
Validation forms, Major Excursion forms and ICT Agreements
Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Card and Safeguarding Training Certificate
Student Attendance
Medication at School
Allergy Awareness
Launching into Learning
School Photos
Basketball Tournament
2025 Scholastic Book Club - ONLINE ONLY
2025 Term Dates
Norwood Primary School Association
Community News
Dear NPS Families
Welcome back to all our families for the start of the 2025 school year. A special welcome to our new families and all our kinder families that are joining us for the first time at Norwood. We are really excited about the year ahead and I am looking forward to getting to know all our families.
Mrs Monaghan will be taking bereavement leave this week and will be back next week.
This year we will continue to strengthen our school culture through the School and Department values of Courage, Respect, Growth, Connection and Responsibility. During Term 1, we will have a specific focus on Respect, as we care for ourselves, others and the environment and Courage where we learn to embrace opportunities and accept new challenges.
At Norwood Primary, I know that communication between home and school is highly valued. These are some of the ways that we will be communicating with families throughout the year.
Schoolzine - is accessible via the SZapp. This is a free app that can be downloaded onto your phone. You are invited to create a personalised login and search for Norwood Primary School as your preferred school.
The Schoolzine app allows you to access our fortnightly school newsletter. The platform also allows you to notify the school of student absence.
Facebook - Our School Facebook Page can be found by searching for Norwood Primary School Tasmania within Facebook. Facebook is a platform we use to share exciting happenings around the school.
SeeSaw - is a new communication platform in 2025 that connects directly with your child’s classroom. Your child’s class teacher will send an invitation for you to connect and provide further information on how to access this platform. This information will be sent home in the coming weeks. We will use Seesaw to share student learning, exciting classroom experiences. We do not use this as a message platform.
Email - is the preferred form of communication to share important information and messages with your child’s teacher and make appointments to discuss your child’s learning if required.
If accessing these platforms provides a challenge for you or you would like any further information, please contact your child’s class teacher or our school office on 6344 2533.
It has been a settled start to Term 1 and we are looking forward to a positive year of learning ahead.
Jess Bennett | Assistant Principal
Friday 14th February - Tuesday 11th March |
School Association Bulb Fundraiser |
Tuesday 18th February |
Open Classrooms 4:30-5:15pm Welcome Back BBQ 5:15-6:00pm |
Wednesday 26th February |
Public Holiday (Launceston Cup Day) |
Thursday 6th March |
School Photo Day |
Monday 10th March |
Public Holiday (Eight Hour Day) |
Tuesday 11th March |
NPS School Association AGM 6:30pm followed by General Meeting at 7:00pm |
Wednesday 12th - 21st March |
NAPLAN Grade 3 and 5 |
Monday 24th March |
Brixhibition Competition |
Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March |
5/6 School Basketball Tournament |
Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th April |
3/4 School Basketball Tournament |
Tuesday 8th April |
School Association Meeting 7:00pm |
Friday 11th April |
Easter Raffle drawn Last Day Term 1 |
Friday 18th - Tuesday 22 April |
Easter |
Friday 25th April |
Anzac Day |
Please return signed Validation forms, Major Excursion forms to the school office and ICT Agreements to your class teacher asap.
If you have a change of address we require evidence of the new address through two of the following documents:
One of these original documents -
- Current rental agreement or rental bond receipt
- Unconditional contract of house sale
- Recent council rates notice
- Recent water, electricity, or gas bill
AND one of the following -
- Centrelink statement showing home address
- Insurance notice showing home address
- Registration of drivers licence renewal notice
- Aust. Tax Office Assessment from current or last year
- Electoral enrolment document
- Bank correspondence showing home address
If you have a change on your child's immunisation record please provide evidence in the form of one of the following:
- Updated Child Health blue book
- Medicare print out
- Letter from Doctor
Please Note: Validation forms must be returned before students participate at the Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival and excursions.
Thank you!
The purpose of a Registration to Work with Vulnerable People is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in our schools and other premises.
All employees, volunteers, contractors, external providers, or persons engaged in or associated with a child regulated activity, must maintain a current Tasmanian RWVP. This policy places children at the centre of the requirements under the policy and compliance with the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013.
Working with vulnerable people (including Children) | Service Tasmania
To volunteer in our school, including in classrooms and on excursions it is compulsory that you complete the Safeguarding Training, the link to access training is provided below.
The training is valid for 12 months after completion, however, it is a good idea to update this at the beginning of each school year to ensure you are covered. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Training for volunteers and external partners - Department for Education, Children and Young People
A reminder to parents and carers if your child will be absent please notify the school by 9:30am. You can do this in person, email school at norwood.primary@education.tas.gov.au, (please do not email individual staff members), phone (63442533), text message (0407 665 749) or via the Schoolzine App. If student absence remains unexplained after three days, parents will receive a follow up text message for them to please notify the school of these absences. Thank you!
If your child requires ‘over the counter’ medication at school you must sign a parent permission form.
If your child requires prescribed medication (eg. antibiotics) you must have an ‘Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation’ completed by a doctor, pharmacist or practice nurse. These forms are available at the school office or from the Department for Education, Children and Young People website.
All medication must be handed into the school office in the original packaging. Students can only have their asthma medication in their bags.
If your child has Asthma and requires Asthma medication (eg. Ventolin) at school we will need an Asthma Action Plan signed by a doctor and parent as well as an ‘Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation’ completed by a doctor, pharmacist or practice nurse. These must be updated annually.
Please ask at the School Office if you have any questions.
Book Club 2024 - Issue 1
All Book Club orders are to be done ONLINE by Parents. See below for instructions.
Issue 1 - orders will close on Tuesday 18th February at 3pm.
Steps for Book Club On Line ordering from Issue 1.
- Using the details on your child’s Book Club catalogue - either sign in or register if you are a first time user
- Click on ORDER and then select your school (Norwood Primary School L’Ton) and your child’s Class.
Class Names:
KINDER A | Koch | 3-4A | Trotman |
KINDER B | Hibbs | 3-4B | Lakey |
Prep A | Dahl | 3-4C | Farran |
Prep B | Garwood | 3-4D | O'Brien/Avent |
Prep-1A | Harvey/Tyres | 3-4E | Thomas |
1-2A | Roberts | 5-6A | Cronin/Humphrey |
1-2B | O'Sign | 5-6B | Faulkner |
1-2C | Skinner/Sutton | 5-6C | Spencer |
5-6D | Thrush | ||
5-6E | Klug |
- Add your child’s first name and last initial (so the school know who the book is for)
PLEASE NOTE: Your child’s details will never be shared with 3rd Parties OR used for Marketing purposes - this is for distribution purposes only.
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue.
- All Loop orders are sent directly to the school to submit to Scholastic. Books will be delivered to your child’s class if you order by the close date.
- When you have completed the online order, there’s no need to return any paper work or receipt of purchase back to the school.
Thank You.
The Norwood Primary School Association need your help and support in working with the school and to help fundraise for new equipment and resources for all our kids at school this year in 2025.
We are sending out this fundraising survey and would like EACH FAMILY to pick ONE fundraiser that they could volunteer a little bit of time to support.
Please click this link to complete https://norwoodps.schoolzineplus.com/form/27
School Association meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the school. The next meeting will be held Tuesday 11th March- all welcome.
If you have any questions, please email the School Association norwoodpsa@gmail.com
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/NorwoodPSSA