February 14th
From the Principal
Upcoming Events
Validation forms, Major Excursion forms and ICT Agreements
School Photos
Launching into Learning
Registration to Work with Vulnerable People
2024 Scholastic Book Club - ONLINE ONLY
Medication at School
Allergy Awareness
2024 Term Dates
Student Attendance
School Sport Programs
Norwood Primary School Association
Community News
Dear Norwood PS Families
Welcome to our first newsletter for the 2024 school year.
A big welcome back to all our existing families and a special welcome to those joining us for the first time.
We have had a very settled start to the year. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for the return to school within the children as they venture into their new school year. Thank you to all parent and carers for ensuring that your children are well prepared for a successful start.
Throughout this term, alongside of our regular curriculum areas, each of our classes will be working within an Inquiry about building relationships and connections. The overarching inquiry question that all teacher teams have used to guide this learning is "How can we foster a culture of belonging, positive relationships, community and ultimately a sense of connection at Norwood Primary".
Our teaching teams have each planned this together to align with the age and development of the students across the school. Therefore, learning will look different across various year groups, however, the ultimate goal is for us to develop a sense of belonging and connection within and across the school not only with our students but extending to families along the way. Given that some classes may start with 'tuning in' activities about their personal connections etc, some children may come home with questions that have arisen from the work in class. Please ask your child's class teacher if you would like to know any more about this area of learning.
School Association Welcome BBQ; a time for meeting and greeting!
All NPS families are invited to attend our Welcome BBQ, supported by our very active School Association next Thursday 22nd February 4:30 -6:00pm. This is a perfect time to get to know other families and have a chat with school staff. All our teachers and leadership team with be out and about at this so bring your picnic rugs etc. and come along and join us.
Many of you may have already seen our Facebook post in relation to the safeguarding training for volunteers. Please also see below the flyer with a QR Code for this training. It is now mandatory that all staff, external providers and volunteers to undertake this training. This must be done by volunteers before any volunteer work can be done. This doesn't take very long, on completion you will get a certificate. Please either print or take a screenshot of the certificate to email or present to the school office.
I am looking forward to our work together for another year.
Kind regards,
Karen Monaghan | Principal
Thrursday 22nd February | NPS Welcome BBQ 4:30pm - 6pm |
Wednesday 28th February | Launceston Cup Day (Student Free Day) |
Tuesday 5th March | Grade 1-2 Excursion to UTAS |
Thursday 7th March | School Photos 8:30am-3pm |
Monday 11th March | Eight Hour Day (Student Free Day) |
Monday 18th March | Grade 3-6 Athletic Carnival 9am - 2:30pm |
Tuesday 19th March | School Association AGM and General Meeting 6:30pm-8:30pm |
Friday 29th -Tuesday 2nd April | Easter Break |
Friday 12th April | Last Day Term 1 |
Thursday 25th April | Anzac Day (Public Holiday) |
Please return signed Validation forms, Major Excursion forms to the school office and ICT Agreements to your class teacher asap.
If you have a change of address we require evidence of the new address through one of the following documents:
- Bank/Financial statement
- Utility bill (phone, electricity, gas) unable to accept rates notices
- Lease/Rent Agreement
- Australian Tax Office Assessment form from the current or last financial year
- Certificate of Title
If you have a change on your child's immunisation record please provide evidence in the form of one of the following:
- Updated Child Health blue book
- Medicare print out
- Letter from Doctor
Please Note: Validation forms must be returned before students participate at the Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival and excursions.
Thank you!
1-2 Excursion to UTAS
Where: UTAS Newnham Campus
When: Tuesday 5th March
Group 1 - Time: Depart school at 10am - return by 11:20am
Group 2 - Time: Depart school at 12:00pm - return by 1:20pm
PLEASE NOTE: No lunch orders on this day for Group 2.
More information to follow.
Grade 3 and 5 students will be sitting NAPLAN between 13 and 22 March 2024.
The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning at school. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process – it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance; however, students and parents may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
This is the first year NAPLAN will be held in March, having previously taken place in May. This change was made so school systems would have access to results earlier in the school year, so they can be used to inform teaching and learning plans for the remainder of the year.
Why NAPLAN is conducted online.
NAPLAN online provides a better assessment and more precise results.
One of the main benefits of NAPLAN online is that it uses tailored (or adaptive) testing. This means that students receive questions better suited to their abilities, so they can show what they know and can do.
Online testing also allows us to provide a wide range of accessibility options to support students with disability to access NAPLAN.
Feedback from students is that they find the online test more engaging.
Please note that students in Year 3 complete the Writing Test on paper.
Parent information brochures and other resources
Your questions answered on NAPLAN and what it means for your child:
NAPLAN information brochure for parents and carers
The link will take you to the official National Assessment Program (NAP) website.
Please contact the school if you have any further queries.
School photo day will be held Thursday 7th of March, more information will be sent home with students in the coming weeks.
The purpose of a Registration to Work with Vulnerable People is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in our schools and other premises. All employees, volunteers, contractors, external providers, or persons engaged in or associated with a child regulated activity, must maintain a current Tasmanian RWVP. This policy places children at the centre of the requirements under the policy and compliance with the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013.
- All visitors & volunteers must sign into the Kiosk at the front office
- WWVP cards must be shown to the front office staff
Anyone who doesn’t have their WWVP card with them will be unable to volunteer.
Book Club 2024 - Issue 1
All Book Club orders are to be done ONLINE by Parents. See below for instructions.
Issue 1 - orders will close on Wednesday 21st February at 3pm.
Steps for Book Club On Line ordering from Issue 1.
- Using the details on your child’s Book Club catalogue - either sign in or register if you are a first time user
- Click on ORDER and then select your school (Norwood Primary School L’Ton) and your child’s Class.
Class Names:
KINDER A | Williams | 3-4A | Trotman |
KINDER B | Fankhauser | 3-4B | Dakin/Avent |
Prep A | Dahl | 3-4C | Farran |
Prep B | Tyers/Nightingale | 3-4D | Milne |
1-2A | Harvey | 3-4E | Thomas |
1-2B | Roberts | 5-6A | Cronin/Humphrey |
1-2C | Skinner/Sutton | 5-6B | Faulkner |
1-2D | Garwood | 5-6C | O’Brien |
1-2E | Lakey/Hayes | 5-6D | Klug |
5-6E | Thrush |
- Add your child’s first name and last initial (so the school know who the book is for)
PLEASE NOTE: Your child’s details will never be shared with 3rd Parties OR used for Marketing purposes - this is for distribution purposes only.
- Enter the item number from the Book Club catalogue.
- All Loop orders are sent directly to the school to submit to Scholastic. Books will be delivered to your child’s class if you order by the close date.
- When you have completed the online order, there’s no need to return any paper work or receipt of purchase back to the school.
Thank You.
If your child requires ‘over the counter’ medication at school you must sign a parent permission form.
If your child requires prescribed medication (eg. antibiotics) you must have an ‘Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation’ completed by a doctor, pharmacist or practice nurse. These forms are available at the school office or from the Department for Education, Children and Young People website.
All medication must be handed into the school office in the original packaging. Students can only have their asthma medication in their bags.
If your child has Asthma and requires Asthma medication (eg. Ventolin) at school we will need an Asthma Action Plan signed by a doctor and parent as well as an ‘Administration of Prescribed Medication Authorisation’ completed by a doctor, pharmacist or practice nurse. These must be updated annually.
Please ask at the School Office if you have any questions.
A reminder to parents and carers if your child will be absent please notify the school by 9:30am. You can do this in person, email school at norwood.primary@education.tas.gov.au, (please do not email individual staff members), phone (63442533), text message (0407 665 749) or via the Schoolzine App. If student absence remains unexplained after three days, parents will receive a follow up text message for them to please notify the school of these absences. Thank you!
Next School Association meeting Including AGM:
When: Tuesday 19th March 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Did you know every person with a child at our school is automatically a member of the School Association, we love seeing new faces. You do not need to commit to be a regular member or attendee, you can also just be a volunteer. If you have any questions or want more information about how you can support our Norwood Primary community please contact us at norwoodpsa@gmail.com We’d love to see some new families come along this year.
Our next meeting will be held on March 19th and will include the AGM. This year there are three parent Committee Member positions vacant. If you are interested in nominating please complete the attached form and return to the school office by Wednesday 28th February 2024. Copies of the nomination form also available at the office. If you would like more information about what Committee Members do, please contact the School Association via email or Facebook page. Successful nominations will be announced at the general meeting straight after the AGM.
Please like and share our Facebook page to help keep you updated with all our current activities!